Should You Use A Website Builder? - TOTAL Advertising | TOTAL Advertising Should You Use A Website Builder? - TOTAL Advertising

Should You Use A Website Builder?

November 7, 2023

In an age where your digital storefront is as significant as the business itself, a well-crafted website is not just a luxury but a foundational component of any thriving enterprise. It’s the first handshake, the first sales pitch, and often, the first approval from potential customers. Despite its critical role, the siren call of convenience has many business owners contemplating if they should use a DIY website builder.

Brands like Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly spend billions to tout their user-friendly interfaces and cost-effective solutions. Yet, beneath the surface of these polished ads lies a stark reality: the true cost of DIY website builders that extends beyond their seemingly low prices. They promise simplicity, but at what hidden cost to your business’s growth, uniqueness, and security? This article aims to peel back the curtain on the allure of DIY website builders, exposing the pitfalls that could hinder your business’s potential and advocating for a more strategic, professional approach to your online presence. Let’s dive into the reasons why cutting corners with your website’s foundation can cost you more than you anticipate.

should i use a website builder

Understanding DIY Website Builders

The landscape of website construction is dotted with numerous DIY website builders, each promising a path of least resistance to a digital presence. These platforms, often advertised with the allure of drag-and-drop simplicity and immediate results, have become ubiquitous in the realm of online entrepreneurship. Wix, Squarespace, Weebly—names synonymous with the DIY approach—offer a buffet of templates and widgets that cater to the optimistic novice eager to craft their online domain.

On the surface, the proposition is tempting: low startup costs, no coding required, and a website that goes live in minutes. These platforms market themselves as the democratization of web design, bringing the power of the internet to the hands of every small business owner and entrepreneur. The reality, however, is not so straightforward.

For businesses poised for growth, the limitations of DIY website builders can quickly become apparent. The ease of use comes at the expense of depth and flexibility. The same features that allow a quick launch also box you into a corner of conformity and restrictions. The professional look of the templates masks the underlying rigidity that stifles innovation and individual brand expression.

The Reality of Poor SEO with Website Builders

For any modern business, visibility is the currency of the web, and SEO is the process that ensures your website ranks well in the vast ocean of online content. Yet, when it comes to DIY website builders, SEO often becomes an afterthought, a bolt-on feature rather than a core component of the website’s design. Platforms like Wix are notorious for their SEO limitations—while they’ve made strides in recent years, they still fall short when compared to the custom-tailored SEO capabilities of professionally built websites.

Templated sites from DIY builders generally suffer from bloated code and rigid structures, which can impede search engines’ ability to crawl and index content effectively. Moreover, the one-size-fits-all approach of these builders means that optimization is not individualized for your specific market or niche. SEO is a complex, ever-evolving craft, and DIY builders offer only the most basic tools, lacking the nuanced strategy that a dedicated SEO professional would bring to your website.

This inherent weakness in SEO can be the difference between appearing on the coveted first page of search results or drowning in obscurity on subsequent pages. Without the fine-tuning for keywords, mobile optimization, and content relevance offered by custom development, your site may never reach its full potential in search engine rankings, thus missing out on crucial organic traffic and, ultimately, sales.

In the competitive arena of online search, where the top three results garner the majority of clicks, can your business afford to be handicapped by the inherent SEO deficiencies of a DIY website builder?

Limited Growth & Customization

A business is an organic entity, growing and evolving with time, and its digital counterpart should mirror this progression. DIY website builders, however, lock businesses into a static state. While platforms like Squarespace offer a range of templates with customizable colors and fonts, they fall short in allowing the deep, meaningful customization that a unique business identity requires.

Moreover, no two businesses are identical, and their online strategy shouldn’t be either. Your digital presence should be a reflection of your brand’s unique story, values, and offerings. A template used by thousands of other businesses cannot encapsulate the individuality of your brand. Custom web development is the tapestry upon which your business’s online narrative is woven, free from the constraints of generic templates and inflexible features.

Security Concerns with Website Builders

When considering a templated DIY website builder, security might not be the first concern that comes to mind, but it should be one of the top priorities. The misconception that a well-known platform inherently guarantees security can lead to complacency. Yet, these builders often offer only a basic level of protection, which might not be sufficient for a business handling sensitive customer data.

DIY builders provide a uniform security protocol that is applied across all their sites, lacking the customization to address specific security concerns that a business may have. This one-size-fits-all approach leaves gaps that can be exploited by cyber threats. Also, the responsibility of monitoring and maintaining the site’s security lies heavily on the user’s shoulders. Should a breach occur, the limited support provided by these platforms means recovery can be slow and damaging, not just to your operations but to your reputation as well.

Unlike custom-built solutions where security measures are tailored and stringent, and where a team of professionals is on standby to react promptly to threats, a DIY builder leaves you high and dry. Regular security updates, backups, and active monitoring are part of a robust security plan that a professional service can provide, ensuring peace of mind and a secure customer experience.

You Don’t Own Your Website

Ownership is a fundamental concept that is often overlooked by users of DIY website builders. When you build a site with platforms like Squarespace or Wix, you are renting your online space. You don’t own the core elements of your website, which means you have no control over its longevity, portability, or even its day-to-day functionality. Templates and features can be retired without notice, and subscription fees can increase, leaving your business at the mercy of the service provider’s whims.

This lack of ownership is a stark contrast to having a custom-built website where you retain full control. Your website becomes an asset, not just a monthly expense. If ever you need to switch hosting services or want to make significant changes to your site’s structure, owning the code and content makes the process straightforward and within your control.

Ignoring ADA Compliance & Mobile-First Indexing

Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for websites ensures inclusivity and broadens your audience. However, ADA compliance is a complex process that DIY website builders cannot fully guarantee. Similarly, with the shift to mobile-first indexing by search engines, having a site optimized for mobile is no longer optional. DIY builders often lag in providing truly mobile-optimized templates, potentially harming your search rankings and user experience on smaller screens.

The Value of Expertise in Web Development

A well-constructed website requires a symphony of skills: developers, designers, SEO strategists, and content creators, all working in concert. These professionals ensure that your website is not just a static digital brochure but a dynamic tool that grows with your business. They provide the expertise needed to navigate the complex web landscape successfully, making sure your website stands the test of time.

The allure of DIY website builders with their apparent ease of use and initial affordability is undeniable, but the long-term implications are too significant to ignore. The challenges they present — from subpar SEO capabilities and restrictive growth potential to serious security concerns and lack of ownership — collectively undermine the effectiveness of your business’s online presence.

Opting for a custom-built website, crafted by a team of seasoned professionals, ensures that every aspect of your site is tailored to your business’s needs and is built to adapt and grow as you do. At TOTAL Advertising, our commitment is to excellence in web design and development. We stand ready to help you establish a robust, distinctive, and results-driven online presence. Avoid the pitfalls of DIY builders; instead, let us empower your business with a website that truly reflects its quality and ambition.