Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2022 - TOTAL Advertising | TOTAL Advertising Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2022 - TOTAL Advertising

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends For 2022

December 15, 2021

The marketing industry is constantly changing, which makes it difficult to know the best way to reach your target audience through the digital clutter. As the new year starts, it is the perfect time to evaluate your business’ marketing strategies and figure out how to break through the digital clutter in 2022. Here are the top 5 trends you should consider while creating your digital marketing strategy this year.

Mobile-First Content

To break through the clutter in this digital age, it is important to craft content that fits the platforms your audience is drawn to and adjust the tone to fit the specified platform. As phones become the most used technology to surf the web and make online purchases, it is important to ensure your website automatically adapts to the size of the mobile device. The best way to do this is to design the site around what it would look like on the mobile device to ensure the site’s quality is not surrendered to meet the needs of the consumer.

Bite-Size Content

Content is still king, but there is no need to do a long post every day. With an average attention span of about 8 seconds, consumers are spending less time on individual posts. This means businesses need to create high-quality and unique content that gets to the point fast. Content experiencing the most success on social media are short interactive captions and short-form videos (TikTok and Instagram Reels). Google is also showing a preference in short-form content delivered in real-time.

Own Your Audience On Social Media

Today’s social media audience is highly fragmented across various platforms. Each platform has a specific tone that must be utilized in the content to reach your audience most effectively. Along with tone, each post must be personalized to your audience and their interest as a result of society becoming immune to hard selling tactics. According to a recent study, 72% of respondents viewed personalization as “highly important” for marketing content coming from brands.

Build On Brand Value

The goal for brands has shifted from acquisition to retention. As consumers become more aware of the negative effects that can come from social media, they are looking for brands with values they can trust inorder to form a connection . They want to support a brand that reflects their views on society. They want a brand they can create a personal relationship with. Publishing a message that connects with your consumers will captivate their attention, and bring them back for years to come.

AI marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how marketers receive data about their consumers’ preferences to optimize their digital marketing plans. Businesses are using the automation process to increase efficiency and profitability. With Google killing the “cookie” in 2022, AI will become a wonderful way to target your customers by their internet usage and preferences.


Do you feel overwhelmed and need help kickstarting your 2022 digital marketing plan? Call the experts at TOTAL Advertising. TOTAL is a full-service advertising and digital marketing agency with a team of marketing specialists ready to help your business reach your audience and achieve success.