Smart Digital Marketing In The Midst of Coronavirus | TOTAL Advertising | TOTAL Advertising Smart Digital Marketing In The Midst of Coronavirus | TOTAL Advertising
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Smart Digital Marketing In The Midst of Coronavirus

March 27, 2020

As government and public health officials take aggressive action to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, nearly every individual and organization are grappling with the impact. There is a lot of uncertainty regarding the potential economic effects of COVID-19, and that is certainly scary. But what is certain? We will recover.

Although it may be tempting to tighten the reins on your marketing budget, halting spending now could have an even more detrimental impact on your future opportunities. Instead, businesses should determine how to pivot their marketing strategy to ensure that they remain at the forefront for consumers, whether they plan on speeding up their timetable or pushing it back. Luckily, the advantage of digital marketing besides the fact that it does not require face-to-face interaction, is that it’s measurable.

At Total Advertising, we’ve been working closely with our clients to respond appropriately to coronavirus concerns and make strategic adjustments in their marketing messages and tactics. Here are a few things your organization should consider doing.

Adjusting Your Business Delivery Model

With CDC’s recommendations to postpone or cancel mass gatherings of more than 10 people for at least the next eight weeks, individuals are heavily encouraged to practice social distancing. Minimizing all face-to-face meetings, many companies have been forced to rethink the way they do business. More people are on social media, now than ever, refreshing their feeds while stuck at home. Smart retailers and businesses can take proactive steps to boost their online presence and drive more people to their website, including:

•Ensuring their website content is well-optimized for search
•Editing their Google My Business page with the most accurate, up-to-date information
•Improving their website user experience to increase online conversions and sales
•Exploring new paid advertising opportunities
•Developing more engaging email marketing campaigns and workflows
•Adding video and audio chat to their website to stand out from the competition

Total Advertising has expertise in all these strategies and can help give your clients a compelling and consistent experience, no matter where they interact with your brand.

Creative Alternatives to Live Events

While trade shows and conferences around the globe have been postponed or canceled altogether, there are still plenty of opportunities to connect with prospects if you’re willing to think outside the booth.

Here are a few ideas to consider:

•Host a virtual trade show or landing page featuring resources such as product demos
•Present an online webinar offering tips and advice on helpful, relevant, and engaging topics
•Record your keynote speech as a video and share it with the attendee list
•Invite conference speakers to repurpose their presentation as a video or guest blog post
•Reach out to your media contacts with exclusive announcements
•Share educational content with social media influencers that resonate to their audiences

While many brands are already seeing success with these digital marketing strategies, the planning phases on how and where you will promote, whom you will target, and how you will measure success can make or break its value and return on investment.

Remember, even if your clients aren’t buying right now, you can remain at the top of their minds, by understanding their current and future needs, and delivering value through challenging times. Inspiring videos, creative designs, and innovative ideas should be at the foreground of your business’s online presence through all your channels, including your website, email, blog, and social media. And we’re here to help. The branding experts at TOTAL are here and ready to plan your next move or revisit your existing marketing strategy.