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Explaining the Explainer Video

June 24, 2019

The explainer video—it can be fun to make, drastically increase conversion rates, and even help boost your company’s branding. But before we talk about the “how” and “why” when it comes to explainer videos, we should give a little insight into what and explainer video actually is.

So, What is an Explainer Video?

The most basic definition goes a little something like this: short, online marketing/branding videos that describe the product or service your company offers. Sounds simple, right? At first, it’s seemingly so. But there are multiple facets of explainer videos and figuring out which type works best for your business or product can be a daunting task. There’s no doubt about the benefits of having an explainer video on your site. Featuring these snippets on landing pages, a home page, and even product pages has become quite the fad. In fact, some companies can report a 144% increase in conversion rates—just by adding an explainer video!

But how do you make sure your explainer video elevates your brand and clearly explains your products or services? Navigating the complexities and nuances of a successful explainer video can be challenging. Luckily, Total knows just what it takes to get your message across.

Let’s begin:

Total’s Seven Simple Steps for Making Explainer Videos

1. Keep it clear and concise.

When you decide to make an explainer video, the purpose is to eliminate confusion and get your message—or instructions— across in a clear way. The last thing your explainer video should do is cause viewers to scratch their heads and look for more information. Keeping your video concise will also help viewers to stay engaged. Instead of having one eight-minute video, have four two-minute videos. People are smart, but our attention spans are short.

2. Get a professional.

Unless you have an in-house production team, the do-it-yourself method won’t end well. Low production value can take away from your video’s message. A professional team will get the job done right and help you craft an explainer video that is visually appealing, but more importantly, effective in communicating your products’ or company’s benefits.

3. Get the word out!

Distributing your new explainer video is a must. Whether it be via social media, email, or even on your website’s home page, people need to see just what your company or products can do. Combining all platforms—like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram—will create a focused message that will draw in customers and reinforce your company or product as a trusted provider.

4. Keep things current.

Nothing is worse than having outdated content on your website. Staying up to date on current pricing, specials, and practices is a crucial step in keeping your brand relevant. If your content isn’t up to date, can customers expect your company and products to be up to date? Keeping your explainer videos current will help you remain relevant.

5. Be responsible.

Paying an agency to make your explainer video can add up quickly. So, finding the right people to make your video is important. Don’t break the bank and blow the budget! Work with the best agency your budget will allow. If you have a smaller budget, don’t expect something cinematic—be practical about your budget and understand that there are many different pricing options available.

6. Follow up!

After you post your explainer video on social media, don’t just wait around. Use the proper Analytics’ tools to track how successful your campaign has been. Dig deeper than likes and shares—see how many people your post reached, who your post reached, and more. Track who viewed the video on your site, and if you emailed the video out, check the bounce rate and clicks. Track the people who do take an interest in your video and follow up with more information about your company or product.

7. How did they find you?

Knowing how people found you is just as important as getting people to find you. Was it by referral? An ad? Social media? Just poking around on the Internet? Knowing what channels of media you are most effective on will help you understand where you should and should not be promoting your explainer video. Put your marketing efforts into the most effective channels to get the best results. 

Teaming up with a creative agency, like TOTAL Advertising, can help your company cultivate its image and hone your brand. Using an explainer video across your website and social media will get your company and product recognition and generate new business. Let the creative experts and branding specialists tell your story and create an explainer video that clearly illustrates your product or company.

Contact us today to get started!